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Showing results 529 to 548 of 692
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- Racoviţan, Mihai 3
- Radian, S. Şt. 1
- Radovici Golești, Constantin 1
- Radu, Demetriu 2
- Radu, Florin George 1
- Radu, Iacob 1
- Radu, Iacob Dr. 3
- Radu, Ioan 1
- Radu, Ioan Dr. 1
- Radu, Milena Maria 2
- Rajcsani, Joanne 1
- Rajcsányi, János 1
- Rancu Bodrog, Gheorghe 2
- Raţiu, Dominic 3
- Rădulescu, Paul 2
- Reimero, M. Matthaeo 1
- Reinerth 2
- Reissenberger, G.A. 1
- Rizescu, Remus 1
- Rochel, Anton 1